Exercise Pro Live to Hep2go - How do they compare??
Exercise Pro Live (EPL) has been the leading home exercise software for over 25 years. So compare Exercise Pro Live to Hep2go and learn why EPL is the leading exercise software on the market.
EPL Phone App for Therapist and Patient
Our physical therapist app gives you access over 3700 rehabilitation and gym exercises on your phone. No more being tied down to the computer.
We also provide a patient phone app. Patients can log their exercise details and that data can be accessed by the therapist. Plus your patients can provide feedback on pain and difficulty. Both apps are included for free and work with both android or iPhone.
Your patients can also use a QR code on a printed handout. (Hep2go only offers the QR code on the paid version. And remember, the QR code is not a phone app.)

Multiple Delivery Options - Compare Exercise Pro Live to Hep2go
Exercise Pro Live provides video of every exercise as well as color photos or B/W line art.
In addition, EPL allows you to edit exercise names, and change exercise categories.
Our program lets you have as many programs or templates as you want. You can even index templates.
Hep2go does not have these features and only lets you save two programs.

Translations, Templates and Logo
Exercise Pro Live can issue programs in over 100 languages and is not limited to just English.
EPL give many options for sets and reps and frequency options like twice a week, MWF, etc. Not only that but EPL has the ability to put in resistances like color of elastic or number of pounds, even in metric if you live outside the US.
Hep2go lacks these things.

Search Engines, Tutorials and Support
EPL has five different search methods, so that each therapist can easily locate exercises the way they want.
EPL has a complete set of training videos and tutorials for every aspect of the program. And we have free online training and phone support.

Exercise Pro Live to Hep2go - More Cutting Edge Features
Exercise Pro Live can integrate with your EMR. It offers a Rewards Program to improve patient home program compliance. A survey tool in included at no extra cost.
EPL has a Remote Therapeutic Monitoring area for Medicare patients. This feature alone can add thousand of dollar in revenue/year.

Best Practices Considerations
Exercise Pro Live lets you have patient name on the home programs. This is considered crucial in proper documentation. We can do this because EPL is HIPAA compliant, data redundant and data encrypted. Hep2go uses random numbers which we feel is not acceptable in the world of professional physical therapy.
Another issue to consider is the “community” library which they have.
Allowing anyone to add any content that you may utilize creates 3 issues. First, professional consistency of photos and video drops. You often end up with poor quality, poor technique, and distracting backgrounds. Second, the library becomes cluttered with duplicate exercises, often resulting in hundreds of variations of the same thing. This makes locating content extremely cumbersome and time consuming. Third, and most important, it is impossible to know if the person who uploaded into the community library obtained a legal model release to use that person’s image. If you are using 3rd party images of a person without a legal model release from the person in the photo, you are opening your business up to legal issues by using their image in a “for profit” business without permission. (EPL has legal model releases on all our videos.)
Exercise Pro Live is a Clear Winner
In conclusion, we understand Exercise Pro Live is not free. But the old saying of “you get what you pay for” is still valid. Keep in mind your home programs are a direct reflection on your business and professional standing. EPL offer features and content that no other exercise software programs can even come close to matching. And we’ve been doing it a fair reasonable cost for over 25 years. Thank you for taking the time to compare Exercise Pro Live to Hep2go
The choice is yours. At least try it out for free for two weeks and see the difference!
Exercise Pro Live blends exercise prescription and mobile technology to improve physical therapy intervention. Use it for FREE for 2 weeks.