Personal Program For: John Smith | Logout

Joan Francis CMT

Office: Call for address and directions., San Francisco, CA 94118

Telephone: 415-505-7686

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Issued By: Joan Francis


Hi John,
Please do the stretch first, then the two exercises. Stretch only gently for the first week. Gradually increase the tension of the stretch the second week. You should feel much more flexible by the end of the second week.
Do the two exercises gently, with little or no challenge for the first week. During this week, if you feel pain or fatigue during a set, stop even if you are not at 15 reps. Rest and try the next set. Once you can do 3 sets of 15, stay at that level through the second week. We will make the exercises more challenging later. These two weeks are functional movement reenforcement exercises, not strength exercises.
Please do the program at least twice a day for these two weeks. 3-4 times would be even better!
Contact me, if you have any questions.

List of Exercises:

  • 1. * Stretch hip: Hip adductors_butterfly stretch

    Exercise Instructions:
    • Sit with knees bent, soles of feet together.
    • Slowly let your knees drop to floor.
    • Grasp ankles with hands and lean forward from the hips.
    Special Instructions:
    Push elbows down on inside of knees for deeper stretch.<br />Begin with gentle, short stretches the first few days and gradually work up to deeper, longer stretches.
    • Perform 3 sets of 1 repetition(s), twice a day.
    • Rest 10 Seconds between sets.
    • Hold exercise for 30 Seconds.
    Watch Video Now
  • 2. * Exercise hip: flexion_quad standing w/theraband exercise

    Exercise Instructions:
    • Attach elastic to secure object at ankle level.
    • Loop band around ankle.
    • Stand, facing away from the pull.
    • Lift leg forward, keeping knee straight.
    • Slowly return to start position and repeat.
    Special Instructions:
    Keep back straight.
    • Perform 3 sets of 15 repetition(s), twice a day.
    • Use Elastic.
    • Rest 30 Seconds between sets.
    • Hold exercise for 2 Seconds.
    • Perform 1 repetition every 4 Seconds.
    Watch Video Now
  • 3. * Exercise hip: Hip flexion_core stabilization supine exercise

    Exercise Instructions:
    • Lie on back with knees bent as shown. Flatten your back into the ground.
    • Tighten abdominal muscles.
    • Keep knees bent and lift legs up until hips are at 90.
    • Lower and repeat.
    Special Instructions:
    <br /><br />
    • Perform 3 sets of 15 repetition(s), twice a day.
    • Rest 30 Seconds between sets.
    • Hold exercise for 2 Seconds.
    • Perform 1 repetition every 4 Seconds.
    Watch Video Now

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